Well, I'm back at school (unfortunately). I had a fabulous spring break, thanks for asking, and got much baking and cooking done! I also have successfully convinced my mom, sister, dad, boyfriend, and grandparents that vegan baking can be and is, in fact, delicious.
I meant to update this blog a few times during the break, but alas, I was having too good a time to be at a computer for more than a few minutes at a time. This means that you, dear reader, will now be bombarded my many pictures! Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on you point of view), I forgot to take pictures of some of the things I made.
Blackberry waffles (some recipe I found online, highly modified. Unfortunately, I didn't make note of the changes, so I can't be super-cool and post a recipe):
Lonely last blackberry scone (from VWAV. Made with my friend who gave up sweets for lent in mind. I love loopholes! Scones are breakfast food, and these have fruit!)
Sparkled ginger cookies (VWAV), which my mom is addicted to, and chewy chocolate chocolate chip cookies (theppk.com)
Peanut-butter filled chocolate cookies (recipe here)
Rosemary focaccia (Vcon)
Homemade vegan sausages (recipe from Vegan Dad)...
...served with herb scalloped potatoes (Vcon)
And we used the rest of the sausage on pizza with zucchini and mushrooms
I also bought myself The Joy of Vegan Baking, because I can't restrain myself in bookstores. I ended up making three things from it in two days, and every one of them was a total hit. I'm so very in lurve.
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and raspberries, for my boyfriend on his birthday
Gingerbread scones
And also raspberry oatmeal bars, which I somehow forgot to take a picture of.
I made a tasty-delish vegan dinner for when grandparents came over for dinner on Thursday, and if they and my mom can be trusted, it was a big success! That whole night, most unfortunately, makes the forgot-to-take-pictures list. I was too busy freaking out about cooking for people who weren't my immediate family. I made Vegan Dad's light and lemony pasta (recipe here), served with the above focaccia and the ginger cookies, chocolate chocolate chip cookies, and unphotographed raspberry oatmeal bars for desert.
Also making the list of the unphotographed: Vegan Dad's crispy cajun chickpea cakes (recipe here), which were very tasty; nachos with seitan (turned into ground beef) and cheezy sauce (both recipes from Vcon), and we were unfortunately a little underwhelmed with the cheezy sauce; and oatmeal raisin cookies from a random online source that I don't recall (sadly, hadn't yet gotten JoVB).
I also used flax seeds as an egg substitute for the first time, and it worked quite well! We had a heck of a time figuring out how to grind them, though. They just spun around in our food processor like it was a flax-seed carnival ride. A blender eventually did the job, but not before I tried violence:
Long time no post!
11 years ago